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Go Local, Then Go Beyond

Hi! Welcome back to the OTBT blog! The OTBT fam have been enjoying the beautiful sunny weather, especially the youngest members who are looking forward to the end of the school term when the fun and adventures really begin!

Getting Off The Beaten Track is not always about going to some far-flung island in the middle of nowhere. Although that is also included! You will be surprised at what you may find if you go off the beaten track in your own neighbourhood.

Being a tourist in your own town or city can be fun, cheap and can open your eyes to something that you never knew existed right on your doorstep. Try a museum, park, river walk or nature reserve, the possibilities are endless! Take a picnic, packed lunch or treat yourself to a bite to eat in a local cafe, pub or bistro and look at your surroundings from a tourists point of view. Take photographs and chat with people. You could make a scrapbook, travel wall or box and fill it with photos, tickets, reviews and small pieces of memorabilia from your trips.

Everybody, no matter how remote or how central, can get OTBT. This is coming from one of our OTBT team, who found a small sandy beach in the centre of London! With the internet, it’s so easy to find new places and explore, especially by using google maps! It makes it so simple to find OTBT walks, forests and other great free activities.

So next time you and your family have a free day, grab your backpacks, water bottles and packed lunch and go Off The Beaten Track, stay out all day, walking, talking, playing and laughing, believe us, you won’t regret it!

Comment below or tag us in on social media to let us know when and where you went OTBT in your local area! Make sure to post Instagram pictures and tweets using the hashtag #otbtblog or tweet us at @offthebeatentk. Happy exploring!

Start local, get up, get out and before you know it, you’ll be Off The Beaten Track.


We visit a beautiful, unique landscape that is very often inaccessible turning it into an island that is completely cut off, and it's right on our doorstep! We post blogs every Wednesday so make sure to come back next week to check out our next one.

Thanks for reading and we'll see you in the next post!

The OTBT Fam! :) x

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