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Free Fruit, Fun, Frolics, & Foraging

Hi everyone and welcome back!

Here at OTBT, we've had a mega-fun, happy summer but now it's time to pack away those buckets and spades and get back to normal! (Whatever 'normal' is!)

The nights are drawing in, the jackets are coming out so that must mean it's Autumn for the OTBT fam. That also means back to school, a London trip and a West End show, Brighton bound, Halloween and much more.

Ben and Chloe (the youngest members) have returned to school, they have had an awesome summer but unfortunately, everything has to end, but only to make way for other even more fabulous experiences! :)

One activity the whole family has enjoyed over the last few weeks of summer was foraging! "What for?" I hear you say...

According to Google foraging is "searching for wild food resources" but for us, it's larking about in a field with plastic tubs and strong carrier bags! But joking aside, the kids love it, they are out in the fresh air amongst nature and its a great money saving venture too! For example, an apple pie in my local bakery is £2.50! We made lots for that price! You can bulk bake and freeze pies or crumbles for a later date and make sure to save your jars to make some yummy jams!

The younger ones loved collecting blackberries and apples and also feeding carrots to the horses who came bounding up to say hello. (It was a little bit scary, as we thought they would jump the fence!!)

The older ones loved using the collected fruit to bake apple pies and blackberry crumble, make fruit smoothies and various jams and the younger ones loved eating all of the above!

If you have any suggestions of common, wild, seasonal fruit to collect, that would be awesome!

Tweet us at @offthebeatentk or use the tag #OTBTblog to tag in any pics of wild food you've collected and any wild fruit recipes that you recommend.

Make sure to check out these amazing books for inspiration, information, tips and recipes:

Thanks for reading!

- To Travel, Inspire & Motivate -

The OTBT fam. :) x

Check out our Youtube channel here.

Coming up next:

London and Brighton based blogs coming soon featuring the latest musical to the West End... Heathers and it's all on a budget!


We have experience in foraging and know what we're doing. Please make sure you have done your research and are 100% sure you know what you're picking and eating. Also, make sure not to trespass onto any private land, it always has to be on public land and check what spots you're going to forage in beforehand.

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